Monday, April 14, 2008

Comments on the Bishop's Lodge Teacher Institute Training

I attended a TESOL (didn't even know that acroynmn until last week) workshop. The theme of the workshop was how to invent lessons without much preparation. The main point was to assign your students activities that will help to lesson your load. I learned so much. There were so many fun, physical activies that they taught us that got the students up and moving around. There were also little tips about how to bring the students back in to order quickly after a physical activity.

I could really see the difference as I prepared my lesson plan this morning. There were a lot of things that I was already doing, but a lot of things that I am going to be doing differently that I think that my students will really enjoy.

Again, thank you so much. All during the conference all that I could think about was how blessed and privileged I was to be there. I want you to know that I really considered it an honor. I love workshops and I hope that we will get to experience many more of them in the future, not only individually but as a department as a whole---ENMU-Roswell ABE Instructor Nancy

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